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Reading a Floor Plan is simpler than it seems.

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

The purpose of a floor plan is to allow you to “read” the space of your home and what’s in them. Here are some general tips on how to read the floor plan.

1. IN’s and EX-ternal lines

Walls are drawn in two types of lines known as “External” and “Internal”. External walls are heavily bolded and show the shape of the entire floor. Internal Wall lines are less bolded and help make the rooms i.e. bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.

2. Finding the Scales

Scales are written beside the lines. This will allow you to understand the size of the home and the space.

3. Windows to the Soul (or to the living room)

The walls are complete by thin lines representing the Windows, which will help indicate a few things like where the sunlight may shine from or your view from your property.

4. Doorway or No way (in)!

Doors are drawn in open positions and are represented depending on door type, most are commonly drawn in shapes of quarter circles. This displays the door’s arc and helps to show any possible conflicts when swinging the door.

5. Furnishing Touch

Furniture is placed within the plans, giving you an idea of where everything is. Note, the furniture drawn in the map are placeholders and does not represent the exact size/scaling of the furniture you plan to use

Have a try at reading some floor plans!

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